Total land area |
10000.00 Sq. Mtr |
Total built up area (BTC Cource) |
2745.86 Sq. Mtrs |
Infrastructure details as per provisions of the NCTE Regulations, 2009 (the institution is required to fill up the information as per the applicability of the NCTE Regulations 2009 and norms & standards there under:- |
Class Room No.-Five |
(i) 600 Sq.ft. each |
(iii) 600 Sq.ft. each |
(ii) 600 Sq.ft. each |
(iv) 600 Sq.ft. each |
(v) 600 Sq.ft. each |
Multipurpose Hall-One |
(i) 3000 Sq.ft. each |
Library-cum-Reading room-One |
(i) 3000 Sq.ft. each |
ICT Resource Centre-One |
(i) 600 Sq.ft. each |
Psychology Resource Centre-One |
(i) 600 Sq.ft. each |
Art and Craft Resource Centre-One |
(i) 600 Sq.ft. each |
Health and Physical Education Resource Centre-One |
(i) 600 Sq.ft. each |
Science and Mathematics Resource Centre-One |
(i) 606 Sq.ft. each |
Principal’s office-One |
(i) 400 Sq.ft. each |
Staff Room-One |
(i) 600 Sq.ft. each |
Administrative Office-One |
(i) 600 Sq.ft. each |
Girl’s Common Room-one |
(i) 400 Sq.ft. each |
Seminar Room-One |
(i) 1200 Sq.ft. each |
Canteen with Dining Area |
(i) 577 Sq.ft. each |
Separate Toilet Facility for Boys and Girls-2 |
(i) 119.70 Sq.ft. each |
(ii) 97.37 Sq.ft. each |
Parking Space Common |
(i) 1815 Sq.ft. each |
Store Room (two) |
(i) 200 Sq.ft. each |
(ii) 375 Sq.ft. each |
(iii) 192 Sq.ft. each |
Multi Purpose Play Field common |
(i) 53948.71 Sq.ft. each |
Open space for additional accommodation |
Sufficient |
Tutorial Room-Three |
(i) 200 Sq.ft. each |
(ii) 200 Sq.ft. each |
(iii) 200 Sq.ft. each |
Total Build up area in the Building 29556.46 Sq.ft. or Say 2745.86 Sq. Mtrs |
Provision of Hostel if any Yes Residential |
Total land area |
10000.00 Sq. Mtr |
Total built up area (BEd Course) |
2913.11 Sq. Mtr |
Infrastructure details as per provisions of the NCTE Regulations, 2009 (the institution is required to fill up the information as per the applicability of the NCTE Regulations 2009 and norms & standards there under:- |
Class Room No.-Six |
(i) 1200.00 Sq.ft. each |
(iii) 600.00 Sq.ft. each |
(ii) 1200.00 Sq.ft. each |
(iv) 600.00 Sq.ft. each |
(v) 600.00 Sq.ft. each |
(vi) 600.00 Sq.ft. each |
Multipurpose Hall-One |
(i) 2098.00 Sq.ft. each |
Library-cum-Reading room-One |
(i) 2100.00 Sq.ft. each |
ICT Resource Centre-One |
(i) 600.00 Sq.ft. each |
Psychology Resource Centre-One |
(i) 500.00 Sq.ft. each |
Art and Craft Resource Centre-One |
(i) 600.00 Sq.ft. each |
Health and Physical Education Resource Centre-One |
(i) 600.00 Sq.ft. each |
Science and Mathematics Resource Centre-One |
(i) 600.00 Sq.ft. each |
Principal’s office-One |
(i) 555.00 Sq.ft. each |
Staff Room with Toilet-One |
(i) 600.00 Sq.ft. each |
Administrative Office-One |
(i) 500.00 Sq.ft. each |
Girl’s Common Room-One |
(i) 335.00 Sq.ft. each |
Seminar Room-One |
(i) 1200.00 Sq.ft. each |
Canteen-One |
(i) 560.00 Sq.ft. each |
Separate Toilet Facility for Boys and Girls-Two |
(i) Girls 117.50 Sq.ft.each |
(i) Boys 125.50 Sq.ft.each |
Parking Space |
(i) 1815.00 Sq.ft. each |
Store Room (Four) |
(i) 125.00 Sq.ft. each |
(ii) 238.60 Sq.ft. each |
Multi Purpose Play Field Common |
(i) 53948.71 Sq.ft. each |
Open space for additional accommodation |
Sufficient |
Total Build up area in the Building 2913.11 Sq. Mtr or Say 31356.79 Sq.ft. |
Provision of Hostel if any Yes Residential |
Extra Facilities:-